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Tough /təf/ adjective - (of a substance or object) strong enough to withstand adverse conditions.

Succeeding as a professional in the NDT industry is TOUGH. It requires attention to detail, perseverance, and dedication, which isn’t for everyone. After all, keeping the world safe is in our hands, and it’s often a dirty job.

As a way of acknowledging the contributions of all NDT professionals for diligently performing a job that often goes unnoticed until there is a problem AND creating a movement to help raise the profile of the NDT industry, we invite all of our peers in the NDT industry to join us in proudly identifying as being NDT tough.


Together, we will raise awareness of NDT and show the world what it means to be NDT TOUGH!

What NDT TOUGH Means to Me...
Please note that all statements made are that of the individual and in no way represent the company for whom they work.

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Ricky Morgan,


"Being NDT TOUGH means perseverance, experience and perspective to provide accurate, consistent and effective inspections, whose documented results provide the necessary confidence to the end user or asset owner that their product will perform as intended for the specified duration.”

Photo from Inspenet

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Ed Cabral,


"I love the concept of NDT Tough and its meaning is unique to each individual that encounters it. To me NDT Tough means being “Psychologically Tough”. An individuals’ strength comes from within oneself and developed over time through training, practice, adversity, and experience. Being NDT Tough is a unique attribute that allows an NDT Professional to withstand very difficult situations and remain focused on one’s goals and one’s integrity. Sticking to your moral compass!"

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Nick Oosterwyk,


"NDT Tough is resiliency. It’s the ability to do what’s right and make the right call regardless of outside pressures"

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Daisy Gaona,

Element Materials Technology

“NDT Tough just means integrity.


It’s knowing when to ask for help, reaching out to your community and also being that help to them as well.”

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Loren Sandberg,


NDT tough is the desire to do things the right way - in extremely difficult conditions - for very long hours.  And then want to do it again tomorrow. 


Allen Gress, Comet Yxlon

"A warrior. You have to be willing to get down in the dirt, get in the ditch, and get dirty. Crawl into tight spaces. You have to be willing to make the sacrifice to have a long and good career, but you have to be up to putting in the time to do it. So it's a tough job. Yes."


Dave Bajula, NDT SME

"NDT Tough?   Tenacious.

Sometimes you gotta work 24/7. But really doing NDT with skills to rigorous procedures that many times can't be taught but have to be acquired.

You have to be Tough to be in NDT."


Mike Giganti, Phoenix Neutron Imaging


"NDT Tough means providing security and reliability to the supply chain that could not be achieved by any other means."

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Zac Sebren, NDT Seals


“Being NDT Tough to me is a little different for me. So I didn't know about NDT before going into it and you realize everyone in this industry does the job, not for the clout, not for the attention, cause this whole field is about behind the scenes...being able to do this job without the recognition takes a special kind of person and the people in NDT are that kind of selfless people.”

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Jerry Fulin, Retired



“NDT TOUGH to me means one big word...


You must have it."






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Chris Young,

Lonestar College


"NDT tough, that's really all about integrity.

It's tough to say whether something is good or bad when somebody's pressuring you to say is it good enough.

So integrity."

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Fredrik Brovold, Holger Hartmann

“I would say that "NDT tough" could mean many things, and it all depends on which position you have in this industry, but for the NDT operator, it can be that, like a doctor or a surgeon, you will become a bearer of good and bad news, which is a tough situation. NDT can be a costly service for many companies, but it is a necessity and, in some cases, it’s even lifesaving. It can prevent devastating environmental catastrophes and fatal accidents. NDT is something we should never take for granted.”


Garra Liming,


”While I may not be in the field, in a lab, training, or any other fabulous NDT job, I am NDT TOUGH because I am passionate about promoting NDT and bringing awareness to the field! 


All you NDT people are rock stars and I’m so proud to be a part of this industry.”

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Mike Hamel,


"Being NDT Tough means doing whatever is necessary to make sure the components that you inspecting are tested to best of your ability each and every time.  The life you save just might be yours!"

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Chace Hulon,

Moffatt & Nichol

"NDT Tough means that we are actually getting the results we need no matter what the conditions. We have environmental challenges all the time and our guys go out and collect the data - on ropes, in water. We're Tough because we need that data."

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Glen Chonko,


“NDT Tough. Being in NDT, what it means to me is improvisation. Use anything you can to get the job done."


Jeri Matza,

 IUOE Local 112

To me NDT TOUGH is doing the right thing all the time, every time! No one said it would be easy, but then again nothing worthwhile is usually easy?


And, as Zig Ziglar always said:


“When you have integrity, you have nothing to fear because you have nothing to hide.”

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Jason Robbins, VisiConsult

"So NDT TOUGH for me is...a mental thing that sometimes you have to make tough decisions to figure out the best path forward; it's not always easy. It could be ethical and investment-wise, but I think you have to be mentally tough to do NDT - right?"

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Ricardo Mar

"For me NDT is a chance for a better opportunity and a safer future for the generations to come."

Ricardo (2nd from the right) is pictured here with some of his classmates in the first NDT cohort of Avalos Aldine Pathways in Technology (P-Tech) High School

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Eddie Pompa, Axient


“NDT Tough means perseverance, grit, determination, that’s what NDT tough is in my mind. That’s what it takes to stick with it, get your education, get your training, get your OJT, and become an inspector.”

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Joey Starr, MIAT


“NDT Tough means to me having integrity and pride in your work.”

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Bruce Stetler,

Eddyfi Technologies


"NDT Tough means, even in tough times, like when we went through Covid, we still maintained the safety of our critical assets – our infrastructure, our airplanes, our navy ships. That's NDT Tough."

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Rubino Martinez,



"We'd all be in a bad situation if we didn't have NDT.


That's NDT Tough."

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Bill Catanzaro,

Screening Eagle

“It means being willing to make the “tough call” of rejecting a part against the pressure of production. It is [having] the honesty and integrity to do the right thing…ALWAYS. It’s being called out to perform your duties in the middle of the night in winter and performing your best. It is willing to take the time to learn all that you can about the type of inspection you are performing and becoming a highly qualified and certified inspector. Nothing in this business is easy but it is very rewarding, especially friends you make over time!”

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Armand Adande,

Comet X-ray

“For me, NDT Tough means resilience, perseverance, and dedication in navigating challenges. It is about our team at Comet working hard to ensure operational excellence, quality, and client satisfaction in the Non Destructive Testing industry”

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Marybeth Miceli,


"NDT Tough is integrity in the face of adversity.


Whether that’s from the site conditions, pressures from management, or lack of resources…facing everything you do with integrity no matter what to keep people safe.”

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Matt Skinner,

Vermon NDT

“NDT Tough to me…I’ve heard answers like it’s making the tough call, and I agree with that. But what I haven’t heard is about our NDT community and the fact we are all dedicated to integrity and keeping the world safe and we get extra strength from our colleagues and that’s what helps NDT Tough be tough.”

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Tony Sansavera,

 North Star Imaging

“NDT Tough means making decisions with conviction based on honesty, integrity, training, and experience!


Neal Ferguson, Element

"NDT TOUGH" means getting out there, doing the hard work, and having the ambition to do it right for the integrity of the world."


Stacy Cotie, Acuren

"NDT Tough means to me being strong enough to make decisions even when they're unpopular, which is important in the NDT field. I believe we've got to maintain and be strong enough to stand up to the ethics and values and integrity that we need every day"

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Stephanie Cochran, Avcorp Industries

"#NDTtough sometimes means being strong enough to handle the fallout of being the bearer of bad news, but finding strength in knowing you’re doing the right thing for the integrity of your industry."

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Glenn Tubrett, CINDE


“NDT Tough to me, is the resilience I see in the people in this industry, continuing to upgrade their skills and working in some difficult conditions but doing the job and protecting society every day. It's a great thing.”


Annabel Sebuc Sabit,

MOOG Philippines


“NDT TOUGH means you are defending what is right and ethical, even others are not doing it. It means that you are there even you are the last men /woman standing.


Tough is when you are not afraid to get dirt on your hands and willing to learn everything.”

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Larry Gochnauer,



"As an ultrasonic manufacturer it is our job to provide equipment that is tough enough to withstand the job that these technicians face out there in the field.  


So our part of NDT Tough is on the equipment side."

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Ali, NDT Student


"NDT tough means something that has been tested by NDT specialist and when we say something is fine it's fine and when we say something is wrong it's wrong."

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Emilie Peloquin,


“For me, being NDT Tough has many different facets... It can mean not being afraid to ask tough questions. NDT is a field where you should never stop learning...From the field to being involved with our Codes Standards,
the only stupid question is the one you never asked. It also means not being afraid to stand out, whether it’s for your opinions that may differ from others or
for simply looking different from the rest of the crowd. Our diversity in our industry is what will make us stronger; it is not a weakness! Lastly, I believe that being NDT Tough also means taking actions on problems... Whenever you think, ‘Somebody should be doing something about this…’ remember, you’re somebody. We all have a
responsibility and can impact improvements in our field by getting involved and making changes happen.”


LET US KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU.  We look forward to your's as easy as 1-2-3!

What #NDTTough Means to Me

1 Write a quick quote (include your name and company)

2 Select a photo of yourself (or take a new one!)

3 Submit here and get ready to be featured on our website and in one of our upcoming emailers:


@ 2023. All rights reserved. NDTnow is a publication of We-NDT Marketing Network.  All content and trademarks are property of their respective owners. We-NDT is under no obligation to update or modify content.  Information and opinions presented herein are not necessarily those of NDTnow's editors or owners.

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